TV Series 2022. Created by Tony Gilroy. Starring Diego Luna, Kyle Soller, Adria Arjona, Joplin Sibtain, James McArdle, Rupert Vansittart, Stellan Skarsgard, Fiona Shaw, Alex Ferns, Gary Beadle, Genevieve O|Reilly, Denise Gough.
Source Features: BBB (27) MAP (50) OTHER (15) THEMES (2)

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Total Records: 50 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: MAP
Record Name
1Abrian Sector Outer SpaceSectors

Abrian Sector
The Imperial Security Bureau discusses the increase in construction shipments going to Scarif in the Abrian Sector.

2Akti Amaugh NatureNatural Areas

Akti Amaugh
Vel tells Andor how the Empire liberated the Alkenzi airbase, dammed up the sacred river Nasma Klain and took control of the sacred valley Akti Amaugh, also known as the Valley of Caves.

3Aldhani Outer SpacePlanets

Andor joins a rebel cell for a sabotage mission.

4Alkenzi Airbase StructuresMilitary Bases

Alkenzi Airbase
Airbase on the planet Aldhani. Also Alkenzi Air Command.

5Arvala VI Outer SpacePlanets

Arvala VI
Location of mining conflict mentioned during the Imperial Security Bureau meeting on Coruscant.

6Base Cay Outer SpacePlanets

Base Cay
Mentioned during Deedra Meero's investigation of the theft of Imperial property across the galaxy.

7Belsavis Outer SpacePlanets

A shore trooper orders two Imperial prisoners to board the transport to Belsavis, a planet from other Star Wars media, the location of a prison called The Tomb.

8Canto Bight Outer SpacePlanets

Canto Bight
Casino planet that Mon Mothma mentions.

9Chandrila Outer SpacePlanets

Mon Mothma's home world.

10Coruscant Outer SpacePlanets

The Galactic Empire's capital planet. Deedra Meero of the Imperial Security Bureau investigates the theft of Imperial property across the galaxy. Mon Mothma and Luthen work behind the scenes to fund the growing rebellion. Syril Karn returns home to his mother's residence.

11Deris-Plata Outer SpacePlanets

After being sentenced to six years, Andor - going by the name Keef Girgo - gives his home planet as Deris-Plata.

12Dizon Fray Outer SpaceMoons

Dizon Fray
Outer rim moon where the Empire built a refueling center after culling the local population, the screams of whom Dr. Gorst uses to torture Bix.

13Eufornis Major Outer SpacePlanets

Eufornis Major
Planet mentioned by announcer on Coruscant: Telgordo Travel service to Hosnian Prime, Plexis and Eufornis Major will now be departing from platforms 7-12 and 7-13.

14Expressway Transit RoutesThoroughfares

Mon Mothma's husband asks the driver to take the Expressway home on Coruscant.

15Farside Sea WaterSeas

Farside Sea

16Ferrix Outer SpacePlanets

Desert world in the Free Trade sector. Home of Andor.

17Fest Outer SpacePlanets

Andor's documents have been changed to reflect that he was born on Fest, not Kenari.

18Fondor Outer SpacePlanets

Mentioned during Deedra Meero's investigation of the theft of Imperial property across the galaxy.

19Galdi Outer SpacePlanets

Home planet of Imperial prisoner Tuck Hybecks, ordered to board the transport to Belsavis.

20Ganji Moon Outer SpaceMoons

Ganji Moon

21Giermos Outer SpacePlanets

Home planet of an Imperial prisoner, ordered to board the transport to Belsavis.

22Hanna Outer SpacePlanets

Senator Mon Mothma mentions the Governor of Hanna.

23Hosnian Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Hosnian Prime
Planet mentioned in multiple episodes.

24Jakku Outer SpacePlanets

Mentioned during Deedra Meero's investigation of the theft of Imperial property across the galaxy.

25Kafrene Outer SpaceAsteroids

Asteroid belt, location of a mining colony. Apparently, the captured rebel pilot was on his way to Kafrene.

26Kenari Outer SpacePlanets

Forest world in the mid-rim territories, home world of Andor.

27Kessel Outer SpacePlanets

Mentioned during Deedra Meero's investigation of the theft of Imperial property across the galaxy.

28Leisure Zone Urban AreasNeighborhoods

Leisure Zone
Andor travels to the industrial planet of Morlana One on the trail of his missing sister. While searching for her in a brothel in the Leisure Zone, Cassian is antagonized by two Pre-Mor Authority security officers. An altercation between the trio shortly ensues outside the brothel, leading to Cassian accidentally killing one officer and executing the other.

29Lozash Outer SpacePlanets

Planet. Location of naval yard from which a rebel pilot stole an Imperial masking device.

30Mimban Outer SpacePlanets

Where Andor claims to have fought when he was 16.

31Morlana One Outer SpacePlanets

Morlana One
Industrial planet.

32Morlani System Outer SpaceStar Systems

Morlani System
Star system in the Free Trade sector containing the planets Morlani One and Ferrix.

33Narkina 5 Outer SpaceMoons

Narkina 5
Moon, location of an Imperial factory prison facility.

34Nasma Klain WaterRivers

Nasma Klain
Vel tells Andor how the Empire liberated the Alkenzi airbase, dammed up the sacred river Nasma Klain and took control of the sacred valley Akti Amaugh, also known as the Valley of Caves.

35Niamos Outer SpacePlanets

Tourist planet.

36Old Stone Valley NatureValleys

Old Stone Valley
Location on Aldhani that Vel mentions.

37Ord Mantell Outer SpacePlanets

Ord Mantell
Major Partagaz mentions a report from Jung at ISB meeting.

38Plexis Outer SpacePlanets

Planet mentioned by announcer on Coruscant: Telgordo Travel service to Hosnian Prime, Plexis and Eufornis Major will now be departing from platforms 7-12 and 7-13.

39Rix Road Transit RoutesRoads

Rix Road
Road on Ferrix.

40Ryloth Sector Outer SpaceStars

Ryloth Sector
The next quarter's detention estimates expected to increase across the Ryloth sector.

41Scarif Outer SpacePlanets

The Imperial Security Bureau discusses the increase in construction shipments going to Scarif in the Abrian Sector.

42Segra Milo Outer SpacePlanets

Segra Milo
Planet where Saw Guerrera and the Partisans live in a cave.

43Sev Tok Outer SpacePlanets

Sev Tok
The Imperial Security Bureau discusses the detention numbers on Sev Tok.

44Spellhaus Outer SpacePlanets

Location of an Imperial power station.

45Steergard Outer SpacePlanets

Location of Imperial garrison.

46Tahina Outer SpacePlanets

Planet the brothel employee mentions to Andor.

47Tassar Outer SpacePlanets

Andor books a run to the planet Tassar.

48Tassio Moon Outer SpaceMoons

Tassio Moon
Aunt Vel brings Mon Mothma's daughter a gift from Tassio Moon when she visits.

49Utapau Outer SpacePlanets

Luthen presents an Utapauan monk cudgel to Mon Mothma as a potential gift for her husband.

50Wobani Outer SpacePlanets

Timm mentions the Wobani run to Bix - location of a labor camp in Rogue One.

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