Film 2022. Written by James Bird. Directed by James Bird. Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Elena Kampouris, Doron Bell.
Source Features: BBB (4) OTHER (3)

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Total Records: 7 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1CompanionBBBTechnology ProductsRobot Models

The company Wifelike Enterprises that creates expensive artificial android replicas of dead women for their widowers called Companions that are subservient to their respective owners while gradually developing consciousness.

2CRU BBBLegal AidPolice Departments

Companion Recovery Unit - special police department dedicated to tracking down stolen Companions.

3S.C.A.I.R. BBBOrganizationsActivist Groups

Sentient Citizens for AI Rights. Activist group / terrorists seeking to destroy the Wifelike company for their AI exploitation, seeing the companions as contemporary slaves.

4Wifelike Enterprises BBBCorporationsRobotics Companies

Wifelike Enterprises
The company Wifelike Enterprises that creates expensive artificial android replicas of dead women for their widowers called Companions that are subservient to their respective owners while gradually developing consciousness.

5William BradwellOtherQuotesQuotes

William Bradwell
William Bradwell: We don't change the world. It changes us.

6William Bradwell OtherQuotesQuotes

William Bradwell
William Bradwell: Don't worry, Jack. I'll let them know you died a hero. You have my word.

7William Bradwell & MeredithOtherQuotesQuotes

William Bradwell & Meredith
William Bradwell: You gotta be fucking shitting me.
Meredith: Meredith is not fucking shitting you.

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