Film 1994. Written by George Huang. Directed by George Huang. Starring Kevin Spacey, Frank Whaley, Michelle Forbes, Benicio del Toro, T.E. Russell.
Source Features: BBB (5) TIMELINE (2) OTHER (20) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 20 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER
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1Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: And now try to follow me, because I'm gonna be moving in a kind of circular motion, so if you pay attention, there will be a point!

2Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: You're happy. I hate that!

3Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: Your job is unfair to you? Grow up, way it goes. People use you? Life's unfair? Grow up, way it goes. Your girlfriend doesn't love you? Tough shit, way it goes. Your wife gets raped and shot, and they leave their unfinished beers. stinking longnecks just lying there on the. So be it, way it goes.

4Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: What I am concerned with is detail. I asked you go get me a packet of Sweet-N-Low. You bring me back Equal. That isn't what I asked for. That isn't what I wanted. That isn't what I needed and that shit isn't going to work around here.

5Buddy Ackerman QuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: Do me a fucking favor. Shut up, listen, and learn. Look, I know that this is your first day and you don't really know how things work around here, so I will tell you. You have no brain. No judgement calls are necessary. What you think means nothing. What you feel means nothing. You are here for me. You are here to protect my interests and to serve my needs. So, while it may look like a little thing to you, when I ask for a packet of Sweet'n Low, that's what I want. And it's your responsibility to see that I get what I want.

6Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: This is the only way that you can hope to survive. Because life. is not a movie. Everyone lies. Good guys lose. And love. does not conquer all.

7Buddy Ackerman QuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: Say this one time with me: "Would you like that in a pump or a loafer?'" Good. Now memorize it, because starting tomorrow, the only job that you're going to be able to get is selling shoes!

8Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: No offense to you, but you are just an assistant. Now, granted, you're my assistant, but still just an assistant. Dawn, on the other hand, is a producer. Her car phone bills are more than your rent. So, just how far do you think you'll get?

9Buddy Ackerman QuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: Loud and nasty, that's the only way it sticks, Dawn.

10Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: If they can't start a meeting without you, well, that's a meeting worth going to, isn't it? And that's the only kind of meeting you should ever concern yourselves with.

11Buddy Ackerman QuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: I told you, it's gotta be loud loud loud! The audience should feel their balls tremble, their ears should bleed!

12Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: I can appreciate this. I felt the same way you do. My bosses were all shit. My jobs sucked. I mean, if you're not a rebel by 21, you've got no heart, and if you have gone establishment by 30, you've got not brain.

13Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: Before you go out and change the world, you have to ask yourself, "What do you really want?"

14Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: Avoid women directors. They ovulate. Do you have any idea what that does to an eight month shoot?

15Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: And when you're done with her, west lobby, tube dress, stiletto heels, hurry. Fetch!

16Buddy Ackerman QuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: You are nothing! If you were in my toilet I wouldn't bother flushing it. My bathmat means more to me than you!

17Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: I was stuck at the office wrapping Christmas gifts for my boss. Lot of gifts. We had a good year that year. I was there until 3 a.m. And the whole time, I'm thinking to myself, "Oh, boy... she is gonna be pissed. When I get home, I am a dead man." Anyway, I got home, got the message, went down to the hospital to identify her.

18Buddy AckermanQuotesQuotes

Buddy Ackerman
Buddy Ackerman: Christmas Eve, she was on her way to the mall. I was supposed to have gone with her. We hadn't started our Christmas shopping yet. But it was gonna be simple. Just some stuff for our parents. Money was tight, and shopping was a hassle anyway. We even promised not to give each other gifts. On the way, there was a car that had broken down, so Mallory pulled over to help. I always told her she was such a busybody, but she just called it being nice. She got out and asked if everything was all right or something stupid. Anyway, it was a scam, bunch of punk kids stealing cars. They shot her.


Rex: This is not a business, this is show business. Punching below the belt is not only all right, it's rewarded.

20Untitled ThemesDark Shadows


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