Film 1999. Written by George Lucas. Directed by George Lucas. Starring Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid, Pernilla August, Oliver Ford Davies, Hugh Quarshie, Ahmed Best, Ray Park, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Frank Oz, Brian Blessed, Samuel L. Jackson, Terence Stamp.
Source Features: BBB (25) MAP (10) OTHER (29) THEMES (2)

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Total Records: 25 - Medium: FILM / Group: BBB
Record Name
1Astromech Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Astromech Droid

2B1 Battle Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

B1 Battle Droid
Separatist combat droid.

3B2 Battle DroidTechnology ProductsRobot Models

B2 Battle Droid
Separatist battle droid.

4Bongo VehiclesWatercrafts

Aquatic transport vehicle that the Gungans lend the Jedi to get to Naboo.

5Boonta Eve Classic EventsSporting Events

Boonta Eve Classic
An annual podrace on Tatooine.

6Dioxis WeaponsMiscellaneous Weapons

Toxic gas that the Trade Federation uses, attempting to kill the Jedi Ambassadors.

7Droideka Technology ProductsRobot Models

Trade Federation battle droid, also known as Destroyer.

8Gozanti Freighter VehiclesSpacecrafts

Gozanti Freighter
Freighter seen on Tatooine.

9Hush-98 Comlink Technology ProductsCommunication Devices

Hush-98 Comlink
Brand/model of Qui-Gon's communicator. Made from was a modified woman's razor, a Gillette Sensor-Excel for Women.

10The Jedi Temple ReligionTemples

The Jedi Temple
Jedi headquarters on Coruscant.

11Naboo N-1 Starfighter VehiclesSpacecrafts

Naboo N-1 Starfighter
Single-seat patrol craft used by the Royal Naboo Security Forces.

12Naboo Royal Starship VehiclesSpacecrafts

Naboo Royal Starship
Also known as J-type 327 Nubian Royal Starship, spaceship model that Queen Amidala and her Jedi escorts use to escape from the Trade Federation blockade on Naboo.

13Pallie Food ProductsFruits and Vegetables

Fruit on Tatooine that Anakin gives to Qui-Gon.

14Pit Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Pit Droid
Droids on Tatooine.

15Podracing SportsSports

Dangerous racing sport in the outer rim territories.

16Protocol Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Protocol Droid

17Republic CruiserVehiclesSpacecrafts

Republic Cruiser
The ship that Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan take to meet with the trade federation.

18Scimitar VehiclesSpacecrafts

Also known as the Sith Infiltrator. Darth Maul's personal starship.

19Sith Speeder VehiclesMotor Vehicles

Sith Speeder
Darth Maul's speeder bike, used on Tatooine.

20T-14 Hyperdrive Generator Technology ProductsElectronics

T-14 Hyperdrive Generator
Type of hyperdrive generator needed to repair the Naboo Royal Starship.

21Trade Federation BattleshipVehiclesSpacecrafts

Trade Federation Battleship
Primary capital ship of the Trade Federation's Trade Defense Force, used as control ship for the droid army that invades the planet Naboo.

22Trade Federation Landing ShipsVehiclesSpacecrafts

Trade Federation Landing Ships
The Trade Federation's military transport crafts, transporting battle droids to the surface of the planet Naboo for the invasion.

23Voltec KT9 Wasp VehiclesMotor Vehicles

Voltec KT9 Wasp
Podracer owned by racer Clegg Holdfast, mentioned by the announcer at the Boonta Eve Classic.

24Vulptereen 327 VehiclesSpacecrafts

Vulptereen 327
Podracer owned by racer Dud Bolt, mentioned by the announcer at the Boonta Eve Classic.

25Vulture Droid Technology ProductsRobot Models

Vulture Droid
Flying battle droids deployed from the Trade Federation control ship to battle the Royal Starships of Naboo.

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