Film 1998. Written by Gavin Scott, Adam Rifkin, Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. Directed by Joe Dante. Starring Kirsten Dunst, Gregory Smith, Jay Mohr, Phil Hartman, Kevin Dunn, Denis Leary, Frank Langella and Tommy Lee Jones.
Source Features: BBB (13) MAP (3) OTHER (26) THEMES (1)

Key Word Search
Order by

Total Records: 42 - Medium: FILM
Record Name
1The Commando Elite BBBToysAction Figures

The Commando Elite

2Family of FiveBBBTelevisionTV Shows

Family of Five
TV show that Christy mentions to Alan, what sounds like the Small Soldiers version of Party of Five.

3Giant Toy WorldBBBToysToy Stores

Giant Toy World
Christy's little brother mentions that he wanted to go to Toy World, not The Inner Child toy store. Later seen as Giant Toy World when Heartland Play Systems initiates the recall.

4GloboTech Industries BBBIndustrial CompaniesIndustries

GloboTech Industries
Bought Heartland Play Systems.

5The Gorgonites BBBToysAction Figures

The Gorgonites

6Gwendy BBBToysDolls

Christy's Barbie style dolls that the Commando Elite turn to for reinforcements. One of them is a "First Lady Gwendy". Tagline: She's very trendy.

7Heartland Play Systems BBBToysToy Stores

Heartland Play Systems
Previously known as Heartland Toy Company, now a divsion of GloboTech.

8Heartland Toy Company BBBToysToy Stores

Heartland Toy Company
Company purchased by GloboTech, and renamed Heartland Play Systems.

9How to Make a Success of Your Small Busi...BBBEventsConventions and Seminars

How to Make a Success of Your Small Business
Seminar that Alan's father attends.

10The Inner Child BBBToysToy Stores

The Inner Child
Toy store. Alan's father's small business.

11Jubilee ExtravaganzaBBBToysFireworks

Jubilee Extravaganza
Deluxe fireworks in Alan's garage where the Commando Elite prepare for battle.

12Motocross TodayBBBPeriodicalsMagazines

Motocross Today
Magazine that Alan reads in the toy store.

13X1000 Microprocessor BBBComputersComputer Peripherals

X1000 Microprocessor
Globotech's technology that brings the Commando Elite and the Gorgonites to life.

14Gorgon MapGeographic AreasTerritories

The Gorgonites' homeland.

15Isle of GorgonMapGeographic AreasIslands

Isle of Gorgon
Gorgonite homeland.

16Winslow CornersMapUrban AreasCities-U.S.

Winslow Corners
Setting. City in Ohio.

17Alan OtherQuotesQuotes

Alan: Have I got a shock for you, you stupid toy!

18Archer OtherQuotesQuotes

Archer: Greetings. I am Archer, emissary of the Gorgonites.

19Archer OtherQuotesQuotes

Archer: Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.

20Archer & Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Archer & Chip Hazard
Archer: I'm also programmed to learn.
Chip Hazard: Too bad you never learned to win.

21Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: Expect no mercy.

22Chip HazardOtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

23Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: You got a lot of guts. Let's see what they look like.

24Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: Expect no mercy Gorgonite ally.

25Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: There will be no surrender! There will be no mercy!

26Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: Victory is ours!

27Chip HazardOtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: We are the Commando Elite. Everything else is just a toy!

28Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: School's out, loser!

29Chip Hazard OtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: Soldiers, no poor sap ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by being all that he can be. Damn the torpedoes, or give me death! Eternal vigilance is the price of duty. And, to the victors go the spoils. So remember: you are the best of the best of the few and the proud. So ask not what your country can do for you, only regret that you have but one life to live! The war against the Gorgonites will be won! Commando Elite, let the first shot be fired! Search out the Gorgonites and frag 'em all!

30Chip HazardOtherQuotesQuotes

Chip Hazard
Chip Hazard: His battery has run out but his memory will keep going, and going, and going.

31Gremlin/Mogwai's name that Heartland Pla... OtherTriviaName Game

Gremlin/Mogwai's name that Heartland Play Systems employee Irwin Wayfair uses as his new secret password.

32Gwendy OtherQuotesQuotes

Gwendy: Will you take me to the prom?

33Gwendy OtherQuotesQuotes

Gwendy: Do you come here often?

34Gwendy OtherQuotesQuotes

Gwendy: If you can't accessorize, pulverize!

35Gwendy OtherQuotesQuotes

Gwendy: All my makeup is cruelty free!

36Gwendy OtherQuotesQuotes

Gwendy: Hi there. Cannon Fodder Gwendy reporting for duty.

37Gwendy OtherQuotesQuotes

Gwendy: You've been a bad boy, and now... you must be punished!

38Nick Nitro OtherQuotesQuotes

Nick Nitro
Nick Nitro: Did... we... win?

39Operation SandmanOtherPlansOperations

Operation Sandman
Code name for Commando Elite plan to use the mousetrap to catapult sleeping pills into the humans' drinks.

40Stuart Abernathy OtherQuotesQuotes

Stuart Abernathy
Stuart Abernathy: Put this is your pipe and smoke it!

41TV CommercialOtherQuotesQuotes

TV Commercial
TV Commercial: GloboTech Industries, long recognized as the worldwide leader in high tech weaponry is now reaching even higher. Under the leadership of C.E.O. Gil Mars, GloboTech engineers are blazing the trail into tomorrow's exciting market sector, introducing advanced battlefield technology into consumer products for the whole family. For the first time, you and yours will enjoy the same high quality standard as demanded by the U.S. Defense Department at private sector prices. GloboTech - turning swords into plowshares for you and your family.

42Untitled OtherThemesColor Out of Space


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