Film 1997. Written by Kevin Williamson. Directed by Wes Craven. Starring Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jamie Kennedy and Liev Schreiber, Jerry O|Connell and Jada Pinkett.
Source Features: BBB (14) MAP (1) OTHER (8) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 8 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER
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1Dewey, Randy & Gale Weathers QuotesQuotes

Dewey, Randy & Gale Weathers
Dewey: When did she start smoking?
Randy: Ever since those nude pictures on the internet.
Gale Weathers: It was just my head. It was Jennifer Aniston's body.

2Mickey QuotesQuotes

Mickey: It's a classic case of life imitating art imitating life.

3Mickey QuotesQuotes

Mickey: Sid. You got a Linda Hamilton thing going. No, no. It's nice. I like it.

4Mickey & Debbie Salt QuotesQuotes

Mickey & Debbie Salt
Mickey: Told you it was gonna work. Wait till the trial! It is gonna rock!
Debbie Salt: Oh, Mickey. There's not gonna be a trial.

5Mickey, Randy & Hallie QuotesQuotes

Mickey, Randy & Hallie
Mickey: The Empire Strikes Back - It was a better story, improved effects.
Randy: Not a sequel. It was part of a trilogy. Completely planned.
Hallie: I like those little furry things.
Mickey: They're Ewoks. They blow.

6Randy QuotesQuotes

Randy: Let's assume the killer, or 'ers, has a half a brain. He's not a Nick At Night rerun type of guy. He wants to break some new ground, right? So, forget the boyfriend. It's tired. Who else do we got? ...Mickey, the freaky Tarantino film student. But if he's a suspect, so am l. So, let's move on.

7Randy, Mickey, Cici & Film Class Guys QuotesQuotes

Randy, Mickey, Cici & Film Class Guys
Randy: Sequels suck. By definition alone, they're inferior films.
Mickey: Bullshit generalization. Many sequels have surpassed their original.
Randy: Oh, yeah?
Cici: Name one.
Film Class Guy #2: Aliens. Far better than the first.
Cici: Yeah, well, there's no accounting for taste.
Randy: Thank you. Ridley Scott rules. Name another.
Film Class Guy #1: No. Aliens is a classic, okay? "Get away from her, you bitch!"
Randy: Believe the line is "Stay away from her, you bitch." It's film class, right?
Film Class Guy #1: Whatever. You know what I mean.
Randy: Another.
Micky: T2.
Cici: You've got a hard-on for Cameron.
Randy: Big one.
Film Class Guy #2: Wait a second. The first Terminator is historical.
Randy: Yeah. "Sarah Connor?" "Yes." (makes gun blast noise).

8UntitledThemesFlatliners 2


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