Film 1975. Written by Richard O|Brien and Jim Sharman. Directed by Jim Sharman. Starring Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon and Barry Bostwick.
Source Features: BBB (1) OTHER (9)

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Total Records: 9 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER
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1Dr. Frank N. FurterQuotesQuotes

Dr. Frank N. Furter
Dr. Frank N. Furter: Give yourself over to absolute pleasure. Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh, erotic nightmares beyond any measure, and sensual daydreams to treasure forever. Can't you just see it? Don't dream it, be it.

2Dr. Frank-N-Furter claims to have discov...TriviaQuestions

Dr. Frank-N-Furter claims to have discovered?
The fountain of youth
The secret to life itself
The answer to the question of life, the universe and everything

3Newly engaged couple Brad and Janet find...TriviaQuestions

Newly engaged couple Brad and Janet find themselves lost on a cold and rainy night during what month?

4Newly engaged couple Brad and Janet find...TriviaNumbers Game

Newly engaged couple Brad and Janet find themselves lost on a cold and rainy night in what year?

5Newly engaged couple Brad and Janet find...TriviaQuestions

Newly engaged couple Brad and Janet find themselves lost on a cold and rainy night near what town?

6Where did "shadow casts" begin performin...TriviaQuestions

Where did "shadow casts" begin performing during the movie?
Rialto Theater in London
Riverside Twin in Austin, Texas
King|s Court Theater in Pittsburgh

7Where did the film begin midnight showin...TriviaQuestions

Where did the film begin midnight showings?
Rialto Theater in London
UA Westwood in Los Angeles, California
Waverly Theater in New York City

8Where did the film open in August 1975?TriviaQuestions

Where did the film open in August 1975?
Waverly Theater in New York City
Rialto Theater in London
UA Westwood in Los Angeles, California

9Whose red, lipstick painted lips appeare...TriviaQuestions

Whose red, lipstick painted lips appeared on the film poster?
Magenta actress Patricia Quinn
Columbia actress Nell Campbell
Playboy model Lorelei Shark

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