Literature 1980. Written by Douglas Adams.
Source Features: BBB (67) MAP (31) OTHER (20) THEMES (1)

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Total Records: 31 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: MAP
Record Name
1AldebaranOuter SpacePlanets

Planet mention in the song Take Me Apart, chanted by huge crowds outside the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Teleport Systems factory on Happi-Werld III.

2AlgolOuter SpacePlanets

Planet mention in the song Take Me Apart, chanted by huge crowds outside the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Teleport Systems factory on Happi-Werld III.

3The Axel NebulaOuter SpaceNebulae

The Axel Nebula
Nebula that Zaphod mentions.

4BetelgeuseOuter SpacePlanets

Planet mention in the song Take Me Apart, chanted by huge crowds outside the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Teleport Systems factory on Happi-Werld III.

5Betelgeuse VOuter SpacePlanets

Betelgeuse V
Ford's home planet.

6Earth Mark IIOuter SpacePlanets

Earth Mark II
The second Earth.

7Eroticon SixOuter SpacePlanets

Eroticon Six
Home of Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple breasted whore.

8FrogstarOuter SpacePlanets

The most totally evil world in the Galaxy.

9Frogstar World AOuter SpacePlanets

Frogstar World A
Planet in the Frogstar star system. No one ever walked on its surface other than the intended victims of the Total Perspective Vortex.

10Frogstar World BOuter SpacePlanets

Frogstar World B
Planet in the Frogstar star system, an altogether more congenial spot that Frogstar World B.

11Gagrakacka Mind ZonesOuter SpaceRegions of Space

Gagrakacka Mind Zones
Home of Disaster Area, the biggest, loudest rock band in the history of history itself.

12GolgafrinchamOuter SpacePlanets

Planet with an ancient and mysterious history, rich in legend, red, and occasionally green with the blood of those who sought in times gone by to conquer her.

13Gretchen Town, New BetelUrban AreasCities

Gretchen Town, New Betel
Town that Ford mentions to Hotblack Desiato, lead singer of rock band Disaster Area.

14Happi-Werld IIIOuter SpacePlanets

Happi-Werld III
Location of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Teleport Systems factory.

15Hastromil Star SystemOuter SpaceStar Systems

Hastromil Star System
Star system visible during the end of the universe. "If you look very carefully you can see the 93 star system Hastromil boiling away into the ultra-violet."

16HunianOuter SpacePlanets

Planet. "They wrapped themselves in animal skins and furs which Ford Prefect acquired by a technique he once learned from a couple of ex-Pralite monks running a Mind-Surfing resort in the Hills of Hunian."

17Jaglan BetaOuter SpacePlanets

Jaglan Beta
Planet that Zaphod mentions.

18KakrafoonOuter SpacePlanets

A dry, red world where stage technicians test rock band Disaster Area's sound system.

19Life BoulevardTransit RoutesBoulevards

Life Boulevard
Street east of the main entrance lobby of the Hitchhiker's Guide offices.

20Light CityUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

Light City
City on the planet Ursa Minor Beta.

21MaximegalonOuter SpacePlanets

Home of Hotblack Desiato's doctor, flown in to reason with the lead singer of Disaster Area, who had locked himself in the bathroom with a bottle of pills and was refusing to come out till it could be proved conclusively to him that he wasn't a fish.

22New BetelOuter SpacePlanets

New Betel
Planet that Ford mentions to Hotblack Desiato, lead singer of rock band Disaster Area.

23OglaroonOuter SpacePlanets

Planet. "In one corner of the Eastern Galactic Arm lies the large forest planet Oglaroon, the entire intelligent population of which lives permanently in one fairly small and crowded nut tree."

24Rudlit DesertNatureNatural Areas

Rudlit Desert
Desert down on the dry, red world of Kakrafoon, where stage technicians test rock band Disaster Area's sound system.

25Santraginus VOuter SpacePlanets

Santraginus V
Planet, whose sea shells had been used to decorate Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. Also the location of the missing Disaster Area bass player.

26TauOuter SpacePlanets

Planet mention in the song Take Me Apart, chanted by huge crowds outside the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Teleport Systems factory on Happi-Werld III.

27TraalOuter SpacePlanets

Home of the Ravenous Bugblatter beast.

28Ursa Minor BetaOuter SpacePlanets

Ursa Minor Beta
One of the most appalling places in the known Universe.

29VassilianUrban AreasCities-Outer Space

City on the planet Golgafrincham.

30Viltvodle VIOuter SpacePlanets

Viltvodle VI
Planet. "Many races believe that it was created by some sort of God, though the Jatravartid people of Viltvodle VI believe that the entire Universe was in fact sneezed out of the nose of a being called the Great Green Arkleseizure."

31The Vortvoid of QvarneOuter SpaceRegions of Space

The Vortvoid of Qvarne
Home of the Zansellquasure Flamarion Bridge Club.

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