Comic Strips 1988. Written by Tom Toles.
Source Features: BBB (7) OTHER (3)

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Total Records: 10 - Medium: COMIC STRIPS
Record Name
1Andy's BurgersBBBDiningBurger Joints

Andy's Burgers
Randolph is lying in bed, looking through the wrong end of a hand held telescope. In the first thought bubble, he's leaning way out of his car window looking down at a very small fast food joint called Andy's Burgers.

2Art of Small TalkBBBLiteratureBooks

Art of Small Talk
Randolph is lying in bed reading The Art of Small Talk.

3Control Your Desire to Kill When Losing ...BBBLiteratureBooks

Control Your Desire to Kill When Losing Patience

4Easy Care PetsBBBLiteratureBooks

Easy Care Pets
Randolph is lying in bed reading a book called 'Easy Care Pets'.

5Egomaniacs Discussion GroupBBBHealthcareSupport Groups

Egomaniacs Discussion Group
Randolph is in bed with the covers pulled up over his head, a book titled 'Self Confidence' sitting on his chest. In thought bubble, there's a doorway with a piece of paper taped on the open door that reads: Egomaniacs Discussion Group.

6Road Kill RestaurantBBBDiningRestaurants

Road Kill Restaurant
Randolph is lying in bed. First thought bubble: He's inside the Road Kill Restaurant and the employee is asking him, Would you like flies with that? And in the Second thought bubble, Randolph is saying, It's to go. Could you put a lid on the can?

7Self ConfidenceBBBLiteratureBooks

Self Confidence
There's a guy in bed with covers pulled up over his head and a book titled 'Self Confidence' sitting on his chest.


Hillbilly: The best part about being a crazy old hillbilly is if somebody says something I don't like, I loosen a tooth with my tongue and spit it out at his forehead.

9Randolph ItchOtherQuotesQuotes

Randolph Itch
Randolph Itch: I invented a little device that makes the sound 'onomatopoeia'. But I don't know what to call it.

10Road Kill Restaurant EmployeeOtherQuotesQuotes

Road Kill Restaurant Employee
Road Kill Restaurant employee: Would you like flies with that?

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