Film 1960. Written by Joseph Stefano. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Starring Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin and Janet Leigh.
Source Features: BBB (12) TIMELINE (10) MAP (1) OTHER (10) THEMES (3)

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Total Records: 10 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER
Record Name
1In what Arizona city does Psycho begin?TriviaQuestions

In what Arizona city does Psycho begin?

2Mr. Lowry returns late from lunch becaus...TriviaQuestions

Mr. Lowry returns late from lunch because he's meeting with the man who's buying which property?
The Trinidad Place
The Harris Property
The Richardson House

3Untitled ThemesGray Eagle


4Untitled Themes3-D


5Untitled ThemesMouth of Madness


6What day is it when the movie begins?TriviaQuestions

What day is it when the movie begins?

7What does Marion Crane have to say about...TriviaQuestions

What does Marion Crane have to say about headaches?
They|re worse than barking dogs
They|re like resolutions - you forget them as soon as they stop hurting
They|re only fixed with Vodka

8What time is it when the movie begins?TriviaQuestions

What time is it when the movie begins?
12 Noon
2:43 PM
8:06 AM

9What's the date when the movie begins?TriviaQuestions

What's the date when the movie begins?
October 16
July 24
December 11

10Where does Sam live?TriviaQuestions

Where does Sam live?
Fairvale, California
Phoenix, Arizona
Bakersfield, California

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