TV Series 1995. Created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor. Starring Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo, Tim Russ, Jeri Ryan and Garrett Wang.
Source Features: BBB (289) TIMELINE (27) MAP (208) OTHER (278) THEMES (2)

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Total Records: 90 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: MAP / Category: OUTER SPACE / Subcategory: PLANETS
Record Name
1Alastria Outer SpacePlanets

Harry Kim discovers Sikaris' Trajector Matrix transportation technology when his new friend takes him far away to the woods of the planet Alastria.

2Arachnia Outer SpacePlanets

Planet in Tom's Captain Proton holonovel.

3Arakis Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Arakis Prime
One of The Doctor's first away missions, which he mentions to Seven. Dune reference.

4Aschelan V Outer SpacePlanets

Aschelan V
Voyager discovers that the self-guided tactical missile known as Dreadnought that B'elanna programmed while working for the Maquis is in the Delta Quadrant with them, aimed for the planet Rakosa, carrying a charge of a thousand kilos of matter and another thousand of antimatter. It was originally intended to destroy the Cardassian fuel depot on Aschelan V.

5Bajor Outer SpacePlanets

Planet in the Alpha Quadrant.

6Banea Outer SpacePlanets

While visiting the planet Banea, Tom Paris is found guilty of murder.

7Bozel Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Bozel Prime
Q mentions that Q2 got away from him and rearranged the tectonic plates on Bozel Prime.

8Caldik Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Caldik Prime
Voyager's doctor tells Tom Paris that he was a surgeon stationed on Caldik Prime when Tom was there.

9Cardassia Outer SpacePlanets

Planet. The opening text introduces the Cardassian and Federation relationship with the Maquis rebels.

10Chaltok IV Outer SpacePlanets

Chaltok IV
Tuvok mentions the Chalk IV Incident, in which a Romulan research colony was destroyed, leading to the Polaris Test Ban Treaty of 2268.

11Dedestris Outer SpacePlanets

Planet mentioned by Gath, the Voyager crew's host on Sikaris, where the fabric that Janeway likes is imported from.

12Delios VII Outer SpacePlanets

Delios VII
Home of the Brothers of the Nechisti Order, a religious sect that dedicate their lives to serving the spirits.

13Drayan II Outer SpacePlanets

Drayan II
Planet in the Delta Quadrant. Tuvok discovers a group of Drayan children fending for themselves on the uninhabited moon of nearby planet Drayan II.

14Eblar Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Eblar Prime
Zet and Nar mention when this is all over, they will soak in the mud baths of Elbar Prime.

15Enara Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Enara Prime
Home of the passengers Voyager picks up in the Fima System.

16Epsilon IV Outer SpacePlanets

Epsilon IV
Janeway mentions having researched U.S.S. Equinox Captain Rudy Ransom's combat history - he ran into a Klingon Bird of Prey near Epsilon IV. He also eluded a Romulan Warbird.

17Fekdar Outer SpacePlanets

Q2 opens a tunnel through space known as a spacial flexure to the Clevari System, asking Icheb what he wants to do next - take a dip with the mermaids of Golos Prime, or challenge the warrior goddess of Fekdar to a grappling contest.

18Fina Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Fina Prime
Where Vivian female Danara Pel was coming from.

19Galorndon Core Outer SpacePlanets

Galorndon Core
Planet. Fear, the sadistic clown controlling the Kohl settlement's virtual reality, mentions Chulak of Romulus' defeat at Galorndon Core.

20Gedi Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Gedi Prime
Planet in the Alpha Quadrant - vacation spot that makes Risa look like a tourist trap.

21Gema IV Outer SpacePlanets

Gema IV
Voyager receives a message from Seska, requesting they come rescue her and Chakotay's baby.

22Golos Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Golos Prime
Q2 opens a tunnel through space known as a spacial flexure to the Clevari System, asking Icheb what he wants to do next - take a dip with the mermaids of Golos Prime, or challenge the warrior goddess of Fekdar to a grappling contest.

23Gorath Outer SpacePlanets

Mentioned during B'Elanna's Klingon Day of Honor holodeck program - traversing the Sulfur Lagoons of Gorath.

24Ha'Dara Outer SpacePlanets

Planet where the escaped holograms plan to settle down. The name is Bajoran, it means "Home of Light".

25Hemikek IV Outer SpacePlanets

Hemikek IV
Planet in the Delta Quadrant. Composite material used to construct the inner layer of Federation starship warp nacelles. When Voyager crew member Michael Jonas sabotages the ship, plasma burns off the inner layer of the nacelles, requiring Voyager to seek replacement verterium cortenide from Hemikek IV.

26Heva 7 Outer SpacePlanets

Heva 7
Neelix tells the Akritiri patrol vessel he thought this was the Heva VII refueling port.

27Hodos Outer SpacePlanets

The away team encountered a merchant named Captain Bathar from Hodos, who claimed to have a formula that stops the aging process.

28Hokath Outer SpacePlanets

While studying a human speciman, saurian paleontologists comment on his rudimentary sense of smell. "I doubt this fellow would have enjoyed the sulfur lagoons of Hokath."

29Iladaria Outer SpacePlanets

Neelix mentions that they are less than three light years from Iladaria / the Iladaria System. "They have sophisticated technology, and they're quite friendly."

30Ilari Outer SpacePlanets

Tirana's home world, the ruler that takes over Des' body.

31Kataris Outer SpacePlanets

Naomi Wildman's father's planet. She builds a model of it for Voyager's first annual science fair.

32Keloda Outer SpacePlanets

Neelix mentions a dangerous trade mission to the twin stars of Keloda.

33Kesat Outer SpacePlanets

Tuvok is injured by an alien attack upon his and Neelix's visit to the Kesat homeworld.

34Kessick IV Outer SpacePlanets

Kessick IV
Planet that B'Elanna's father mentions, where they used to live, and where he had business a few months ago and saw their old house.

35Kessik IV Outer SpacePlanets

Kessik IV
B'Elanna tells Tom she grew up in a colony on Kessik IV.

36Ktaria Outer SpacePlanets

Harry invites Seven of Nine to a Ktarian moonrise simulation on the holodeck.

37Ktaria VII Outer SpacePlanets

Ktaria VII
Chakotay mentions his first tomb excavation on Ktaria VII to Harry Kim.

38La'voti V Outer SpacePlanets

La'voti V
Location of a mission the Doctor mentions during his presentation to the crew.

39Ledos Outer SpacePlanets

Planet that Voyager visits. Several crew members attend a conference. After performing an illegal flying maneuver, Tom is subjected to flying lessons. Chakotay and Seven's shuttle crashes inside an impenetrable barrier protecting an indigenous people called the Ventu.

40Lessek Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Lessek Prime
Planet that Chakotay mentions to Janeway - where 15 years earlier she spoke up - but he made the whole thing up to test her - and she fails. Well, the Doctor fails, because he's the one impersonating her.

41Malon Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Malon Prime
Voyager encounters a Malon freighter transporting deadly theta radioactive waste away from their home planet, Mason Prime. Crewmembers are experience what they call Freighter Blight, a disease caused by exposure to the deadly chemical.

42Napinne Outer SpacePlanets

Planet B'Elanna mentions where Voyager picked up food for Neelix's kitchen.

43New Earth Outer SpacePlanets

New Earth
When Voyager is forced to leave Captain Janeway and Chakotay behind on an uninhabited planet due to an incurable disease, they name their new home New Earth.

44Ninipia Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Ninipia Prime
When B'Elanna asks Tom what he's been doing in the holodeck, he jokes that the name of the program he's been running is called "The Dancing Girls of Ninipia Prime".

45Nivoch Outer SpacePlanets

Plane that Seska mentions - where she was supposed to meet brother for his birthday, which is in four days.

46Norcadia Outer SpacePlanets

The Voyager crew enjoy shore leave on the Norcadian home world while Janeway visits Pendari.

47Nyria III Outer SpacePlanets

Nyria III
Planet in the Nyrian system, home of the people that sieze control of Voyager by replacing the crew one by one.

48Ord'Mirit Outer SpacePlanets

Location of a mining colony where Voyager requests to land.

49Orendal V Outer SpacePlanets

Orendal V
Planet where the Borg implants offered to Seven were found.

50Orion I Outer SpacePlanets

Orion I
One of Janeway's "lost sheep" Mr. Harren tells her that he only signed on to Voyager in order to further his efforts to enroll in the Institute of Cosmology on Orion I.

51Oshionian Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Oshionian Prime
Neelix mentions having reserved the holodeck for him and Yes to take a moonlit stroll through the Marshlands of Oshionian Prime.

52Paksor III Outer SpacePlanets

Paksor III
The Doctor's holographic wife replicated a new coffee blend from Paksor III.

53Pala Mar Outer SpacePlanets

Pala Mar
Location where Tom Paris slipped into fetid mud pits, which the Doctor shows during his presentation to the crew.

54Parakas 4 Outer SpacePlanets

Parakas 4
Planet where Neelix mentions getting eggs for Tuvok's breakfast.

55Pendari Outer SpacePlanets

The Voyager crew enjoy shore leave on the Norcadian home world while Janeway visits Pendari.

56Phanos Outer SpacePlanets

Planet where Dexa and her husband initially settled.

57Planet 10 Outer SpacePlanets

Planet 10
Joke Tom makes to the Tuvok regarding his holodeck adventures: My days of rescuing space girls from Planet are history.

58Planet 1865 Alpha Outer SpacePlanets

Planet 1865 Alpha
Planet where Seven and her fellow Borg crashed.

59Planet Hell Outer SpacePlanets

Planet Hell
Nickname for the M class planet that Voyager visits.

60Planet X Outer SpacePlanets

Planet X
Planet in Tom's Captain Proton holonovel.

61Potak III Outer SpacePlanets

Potak III
Neelix opens bottle of Potak cold fowl that he's been saving, made from the glandular secretions of an adult dunghill bird found only on Potak III.

62Prema II Outer SpacePlanets

Prema II
Home of a Talaxian mining colony that Neelix mentions - Voyager's nearest allies when they venture into Kazon territory to rescue Chakotay's child.

63Quarra Outer SpacePlanets

The crew of Voyager finds themselves working in a plant on the planet Quarra, their memories erased, receiving inoculations keeping their true memories away, supposedly to stave off their "Dysphoria Syndrome".

64Raal Outer SpacePlanets

While taking care of a group of Drayan children fending for themselves on an uninhabited moon, Tuvok plays the traditional Vulcan song Falor's Journey on his lute to help them get to sleep. On his journey, Falor crosses the Voroth Sea to reach the clouded shores of Raal. He also crosses the barren Fire Plains.

65Rakosa Outer SpacePlanets

Voyager discovers that the self-guided tactical missile known as Dreadnought that B'elanna programmed while working for the Maquis is in the Delta Quadrant with them, aimed for the planet Rakosa, carrying a charge of a thousand kilos of matter and another thousand of antimatter. It was originally intended to destroy the Cardassian fuel depot on Aschelan V.

66Risa Outer SpacePlanets

Pleasure planet in the Alpha Quadrant.

67Rivos V Outer SpacePlanets

Rivos V
Kurros tells Janeway that the Think Tank was able to help the citizens of Rivos V resist the Borg.

68Romulus Outer SpacePlanets

Planet in the Alpha Quadrant.

69Sakura Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Sakura Prime
Ensign Samantha Wildman considers the Vulcan name Sural for her baby, which the Doctor points out is also the name of a dictator on Sakura Prime famed for beheading his rivals and his parents.

70Salina Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Salina Prime
Location of the warhead's target - a military installation.

71Selek IV Outer SpacePlanets

Selek IV
Gar's girlfriend tells Voyager that he is on his way to the gambling tournament on Selek IV.

72Seros Outer SpacePlanets

Home planet of the murderous hologram that B'Elanna and the Doctor visit.

73Sikaris Outer SpacePlanets

Voyager encounters the people of Sikaris, a planet known for their great hospitality that also possesses Trajector Matrix technology that has the ability to get the crew home sooner - but they refuse to share.

74Sobras Outer SpacePlanets

Planet. Home of the Kazon sect Pommar. Neelix visits his contact Jal Tersa.

75Sullus Outer SpacePlanets

While taking care of a group of Drayan children fending for themselves on an uninhabited moon, Tuvok has to help the children get to sleep. One of the children requests a bedtime story called The Fire Beast of Sullus.

76Talaxia Outer SpacePlanets

Neelix's home world. Also referred to as "Talax".

77Tarakis Outer SpacePlanets

Planet the away team encountered, what turns out to be the site of the Nakan massacre and its memorial, the source of the strange visions the crew of Voyager experiences.

78Taresia Outer SpacePlanets

Home of the Taresians, the people that convince Harry he's actually one of them.

79Taris Seti IV Outer SpacePlanets

Taris Seti IV
Janeway rescued her Irish Setter Molly from a pound on Taris Seti IV.

80Tau Ceti Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Tau Ceti Prime
Planet where Janeway's father drowned.

81Telfas Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Telfas Prime
Planet in the Alpha Quadrant. Home of a mining colony where Chakotay met ex-Maquis soldier Kurt Bendera, which he mentions at Kurt's funeral.

82Telsius Outer SpacePlanets

Dala and Mobar, impersonating Janeway and Tuvok, swindle the residents of Telsius out of their dolomite, promising them dilithium, then disappearing.

83Teluridian IV Outer SpacePlanets

Teluridian IV
Chakotay reminds B'Elanna of a technique they used on Teluridian IV to outwit a couple of Federation runabouts.

84Toranius Prime Outer SpacePlanets

Toranius Prime
Planet mentioned during the strange visions the crew of Voyager experiences of the Naked Massacre on the planet Tarakis. "Compared to this place, it's paradise".

85Velos Outer SpacePlanets

Planetoid where Gar got the induction units that he traded.

86Vico 5 Outer SpacePlanets

Vico 5
Planet where one of Janeway's "lost sheep", cosmologist Mr. Harren, grew up.

87Vinri System Outer SpacePlanets

Vinri System
Zet and Nar mention leaving Voyager's crew in the Vinri System.

88Voth Outer SpacePlanets

Home of the saurian paleontologists studying the humans of Voyager.

89Vulcan Outer SpacePlanets

Planet in the Alpha Quadrant, Vulcan homeworld.

90Wysanti Outer SpacePlanets

Three of the Borg children depart Voyager to live on the planet Wysanti. Icheb remains on board.

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