Animated Series 1989. Created by Matt Groening. Starring Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer, Tress MacNeille, Pamela Hayden, Maggie Roswell, Russi Taylor, Marcia Wallace, Marcia Mitzman Gaven, Karl Wiedergott, Albert Brooks, Phil Hartman, Jon Lovitz, Joe Mantegna and Kelsey Grammer.
Source Features: BBB (5,273) TIMELINE (191) MAP (518) OTHER (1,112) THEMES (22)

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Total Records: 191 - Medium: ANIMATED SERIES / Group: DATES
Record Name
1April 1, 1022 19th Century and earlierEvents

April 1, 1022
Lisa explains that April Fool's Day dates back to the pagans - it's a pre-Christian tradition. In a flashback to the year 1022, the pagan Simpsons family chant, "Blood for Ba'al!" while dancing around a fire.

2December 16, 1773 19th Century and earlierEvents

December 16, 1773
Mr. Burns' great-grandfather Franklin Jefferson Burns participates in the Boston Tea Party, "tossing that tea without a care for what the caffeine would do to the Fenway Flounder", a now extinct fish.

3April 14, 1860 19th Century and earlierJournal Entries

April 14, 1860
Eliza Simpson diary entries: "Today, I am the happiest girl in Springfield, because tomorrow I will get my very first slave." Next entry: "Dear diary, I must be brief, for tonight is the grand ball at Colonel Burns' plantation."

4April 20, 1860 19th Century and earlierJournal Entries

April 20, 1860
Diary entry of Eliza Simpson: "A week ago, I had no idea what the future would bring, which I guess is always true of everyone all the time."

5May 21, 1864 19th Century and earlierEvents

May 21, 1864
The men of Springfield's 9th Bearded Infantry were sunning and fluffing their beards in the sun when enemy troops crested the hill over Fort Springfield, attempting to surrender unconditionally. They were sick, needing leeches and hacksaws to saw off their gangrenous limbs. But the Springfield brigade was too brave to accept their surrender, and they heroically slaughtered their enemies as they prayed for mercy.

6April 14, 1865 19th Century and earlierEvents

April 14, 1865
Homer's daydream: Homer yells, "Duck, Mr. Lincoln!", saving him from being assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

7September 3, 1919 20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

September 3, 1919
Date of inscription on note to Roger Myers on Chester Lampwick's Itchy drawing: "To Roger Myers. Keep drawing. Your moxie more than makes up for your lack of talent. Your pal, Chester J. Lampwick"

8August 1, 1921 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

August 1, 1921
Date of birth on Springfield resident Ralph Melish's driver's license.

9February 27, 1928 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

February 27, 1928
Birth Date on Homer's mother's counterfeit Tennessee License, under the name Muddy Mae Suggins.

10March 15, 1929 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

March 15, 1929
Birth Date on Homer's mother Mona Simpson's Wisconsin Class D Operator's License.

11May 5, 1931 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

May 5, 1931
Birth Date on Homer's mother's counterfeit Missouri Class D Operator's License, under the name Mona Stevens.

12July 18, 1933 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

July 18, 1933
Birth Date on Homer's mother's counterfeit Ohio Driver's License, under the name Penelope Olsen.

13October 18, 1933 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

October 18, 1933
One of two Birth Dates on Homer's mother's counterfeit Alaska Class D License, under the name Martha Stewart.

14November 26, 1934 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

November 26, 1934
One of two Birth Dates on Homer's mother's counterfeit Alaska Class D License, under the name Martha Stewart.

15November 19, 1936 20th Century: 1st HalfHeadlines

November 19, 1936
Date of Springfield Shopper headline: Woman Weds Ape.

16October 31, 1938 20th Century: 1st HalfEvents

October 31, 1938
Orson Welles' broadcasts his War of the Worlds radio program hoax, which drives the citizens of Springfield crazy, destroying their town, shortly before real aliens actually attack.

17August 2, 1948 20th Century: 1st HalfBirth Dates

August 2, 1948
Date of Birth on Homer's counterfeit ID, with the name Brian McGee.

18August 3, 1954 20th Century: 50sEvents

August 3, 1954
Date of the Dublin Horse Show - from August 3-7. Framed picture on the wall in Tom O'Flanagan's Pub in Dunkilderry, Ireland.

19August 4, 1954 20th Century: 50sEvents

August 4, 1954
Date of the Dublin Horse Show - from August 3-7. Framed picture on the wall in Tom O'Flanagan's Pub in Dunkilderry, Ireland.

20August 5, 1954 20th Century: 50sEvents

August 5, 1954
Date of the Dublin Horse Show - from August 3-7. Framed picture on the wall in Tom O'Flanagan's Pub in Dunkilderry, Ireland.

21August 6, 1954 20th Century: 50sEvents

August 6, 1954
Date of the Dublin Horse Show - from August 3-7. Framed picture on the wall in Tom O'Flanagan's Pub in Dunkilderry, Ireland.

22August 7, 1954 20th Century: 50sEvents

August 7, 1954
Date of the Dublin Horse Show - from August 3-7. Framed picture on the wall in Tom O'Flanagan's Pub in Dunkilderry, Ireland.

23May 12, 1956 20th Century: 50sBirth Dates

May 12, 1956
Homer Simpson born, according to the driver's license that a judge voids for driving home drunk from the Duff Brewery Tour.

24July 13, 1958 20th Century: 50sBirth Dates

July 13, 1958
Date of Birth on Kearney's counterfeit ID, under the name Charles Norwood.

25August 2, 1961 20th Century: 60sBirth Dates

August 2, 1961
Date of Birth on Hans Moleman's driver's license.

26January 9, 1962 20th Century: 60sBirth Dates

January 9, 1962
Date of Birth on Apu's counterfeit passport he buys from the mob.

27January 18, 1963 20th Century: 60sEvents

January 18, 1963
Otto's birthday, as listed on his new probationary driver's license.

28February 19, 1963 20th Century: 60sEvents

February 19, 1963
Krusty the Clown begins his television career.

29November 22, 1963 20th Century: 60sEvents

November 22, 1963
Homer's daydream: Homer and Abraham Lincoln beat up Lee Harvey Oswald in the Texas book depository building before he can assassinate JFK.

30December 12, 1966 20th Century: 60sEvents

December 12, 1966
Ringo Starr fan Sally writes a fan letter, which Ringo answers years later: "Dear Sally, in response to your letter of December 12, 1966, me favorite color is blue, me real first name is Richard. Thanks for the snapshot. You're a real cute bird. Love, Ringo P.S. Forgive the lateness of my reply."

31February 14, 1969 20th Century: 60sEvents

February 14, 1969
While serving in Da Nang, Principal Skinner's fellow soldier Johnny is killed.

32July 20, 1969 20th Century: 60sEvents

July 20, 1969
While everyone else is watching the moon landing, Homer has been sent to his room, where he is listening to the song "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I Got Love in My Tummy" by the Ohio Express.

33August 18, 1969 20th Century: 60sEvents

August 18, 1969
Homer's mother drags Abe to what he calls the Godforsaken love fest known as Woodstock, where Abe boos Jimi Hendrix, and little homer tries to groove.

34December 31, 1969 20th Century: 60sEvents

December 31, 1969
Homer's mother's old hippie commune Groovy Grove Natural Farms residents Seth and Munchie sell their freak bus. Also the day the 60s ended. Literally.

35February 11, 1970 20th Century: 70sBirth Dates

February 11, 1970
Birthdate on the counterfeit ID Bart makes for himself at the D.M.V.

36January 8, 1974 20th Century: 70sEvents

January 8, 1974
When Artie asks Marge to the prom in flashback sequence, he mentions an article in a specific issue of Time magazine Titled, America's Love Affair with the Prom.

37October 28, 1986 20th Century: 80sEvents

October 28, 1986
The Be Sharps perform at the centennial of the Statue of Liberty in New York City.

38February 6, 1989 20th Century: 80sExpiration Dates

February 6, 1989
Date the ham expired that Apu sells to Homer and makes him sick.

39June 4, 1989 20th Century: 80sEvents

June 4, 1989
Apparently there was no Tiananmen Square Massacre, at least according to a sign the Simpsons see when they travel to China.

40December 24, 1989 20th Century: 80sEvents

December 24, 1989
Homer bets on Santa's Little Helper at Springfield Downs. When he loses, Homer and Bart take him home with them.

41September 28, 1990 20th Century: 90sEvents

September 28, 1990
Marge Simpson writes a letter to First Lady Barbara Bush after Barbara said The Simpsons was "the dumbest thing she'd ever seen".

42October 9, 1990 20th Century: 90sEvents

October 9, 1990
Barbara Bush writes a letter to Marge Simpson in response to Marge's letter, which she wrote after Barbara said The Simpsons was "the dumbest thing she'd ever seen".

43March 15, 1991 20th Century: 90sJournal Entries

March 15, 1991
Date of journal entry in Homer's daydream about following his dream of living in the woods and keeping a journal of his thoughts: I wish I brought a TV. Oh God, how I miss TV.

44June 12, 1991 20th Century: 90sEvents

June 12, 1991
The last day of school for the year at Springfield Elementary.

45October 18, 1991 20th Century: 90sEvents

October 18, 1991
Mr. Burns sells the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant to the German consortium Zwei Reihe Typen, Inc. for $100,000,000.

46October 24, 1991 20th Century: 90sEvents

October 24, 1991
Issue Date on Homer's mother's counterfeit Tennessee License, under the name Muddy Mae Suggins.

47November 11, 1991 20th Century: 90sEvents

November 11, 1991
After Moe's new Flaming Moe mixed drink gets popular, Mayor Quimby declares a new holiday called Flaming Moe's Day on the same day as Veterans Day.

48November 12, 1991 20th Century: 90sEvents

November 12, 1991
Date of the Springfield Elementary School talent show, marked on the Miss Atomic Pile calendar on the wall in Homer's office at the nuclear power plant.

49February 14, 1992 20th Century: 90sEvents

February 14, 1992
Lisa gives Ralph a Valentine's Day card.

50February 15, 1992 20th Century: 90sEvents

February 15, 1992
Only 4 days until Krusty's 29th Anniversary show. Krusty shows an old clip of a urine monkey.

51February 16, 1992 20th Century: 90sEvents

February 16, 1992
Ralph gives Lisa tickets to Krusty's anniversary show.

52February 19, 1992 20th Century: 90sEvents

February 19, 1992
Krusty's 29th Anniversary Show.

53April 1, 1992 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 1, 1992
Bart, angered by Homer's numerous April Fools' Day tricks, attempts to get even by shaking up a can of Duff beer in a paint shaker, sending Homer to the hospital.

54May 10, 1992 20th Century: 90sEvents

May 10, 1992
Whacking Day, a local holiday that was called distasteful and puerile by a panel of hillbillies. In a tradition that dates back to founding father Jebediah Springfield, every May 10th, local residents gather to drive snakes into the center of town and whack them to snake heaven.

55May 16, 1992 20th Century: 90sEvents

May 16, 1992
Homer wakes up from a coma after 7 weeks, after opening the can of Duff beer that Bart shook up in a paint shaker on April Fools' Day. Thinking it's still April 1st, he tells the family he's taking them to Hawaii as an April Fools' joke.

56August 1, 1992 20th Century: 90sExpiration Dates

August 1, 1992
Expiration date on Springfield resident Ralph Melish's driver's license.

57January 23, 1993 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 23, 1993
Issue Date on Homer's mother Mona Simpson's Wisconsin Class D Operator's License.

58August 2, 1993 20th Century: 90sExpiration Dates

August 2, 1993
Expiration Date on Hans Moleman's driver's license.

59January 2, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 2, 1995
Date on check that Bart writes to Krusty for 75 cents and no cents - which is inconsistent, because all of the other checks that he writes are dated 1996. Krusty endorses with a stamp from the Cayman Islands Offshore Holding Corporation, which Bart complains to the Bank of Springfield about, inadvertently getting Krusty in trouble with the IRS.

60January 10, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 10, 1995
Date of several long distance calls that Bart made on the Simpsons' phone bill.

61February 2, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

February 2, 1995
Date of the Simpsons' phone bill, with several long distance calls that Bart made.

62March 8, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

March 8, 1995
In Bart's nightmarish daydream about Christmas time during in Juvenile Hall where the kids each get one horrible gift, Jimbo gets a copy of the March 8th newspaper.

63April 1, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 1, 1995
Day one of Bart trying to get through 3 months without seeing Jessica to get her completely out of his system, which he marks on his Itchy & Scratchy calendar.

64April 2, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 2, 1995
Date Bart is shown crossing off on his Itchy & Scratchy calendar in advance, marking the 3 months he has to get through without seeing Jessica to get her completely out of his system.

65April 30, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 30, 1995
Bart crosses off the dates in the month of April on his Itchy & Scratchy calendar in advance, marking the 3 months he has to get through without seeing Jessica to get her completely out of his system. He crosses off the impossible date of April 31st, as April only has 30 days.

66May 15, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

May 15, 1995
Date Bart is shown crossing off on his Itchy & Scratchy calendar in advance, marking the 3 months he has to get through without seeing Jessica to get her completely out of his system.

67June 30, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

June 30, 1995
Date Bart is shown crossing off on his Itchy & Scratchy calendar in advance, marking the 3 months he has to get through without seeing Jessica to get her completely out of his system.

68July 17, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

July 17, 1995
Homer was supposed to finish painting the garage.

69November 25, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

November 25, 1995
Date of the Air Show at the U.S. Air Force Base where Sideshow Bob escapes.

70December 21, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 21, 1995
Bart gets caught shoplifting the new Bonestorm video game from Try-N-Save.

71December 25, 1995 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 25, 1995
Springfield discount store Try-N-Save is open. "In honor of the birth of our savior, Try-N-Save is open all day Christmas."

72January 3, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 3, 1996
Bart writes a check to Lisa for 1 cents and no cents.

73January 4, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 4, 1996
Bart writes a check to Jimbo Jones for one dollar and no cents.

74January 5, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 5, 1996
Bart writes a check to Kwik-E-Mart for 25 cents and no cents.

75January 6, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 6, 1996
Bart writes a check to Jimbo Jones for 75 cents and no cents.

76January 28, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 28, 1996
Date on check on the wall at the Sea Captain's restaurant, from Rory B. Bellows, also known as Krusty the Clown, to H. Pete for $13.67.

77March 7, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

March 7, 1996
Date on $8 billion check from Itchy and Scratchy Studios to Chester J. Lampwick for "Restitution".

78April 12, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 12, 1996
Principal Skinner declares Friday "Go To Work With Your Parents Day" in order to avoid paying the exorbitant cost to change the date on his SkyAmeriWestica ticket to Hong Kong, where he travels for Spring Break.

79April 13, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 13, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

80April 14, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 14, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

81April 15, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 15, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

82April 16, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 16, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

83April 17, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 17, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

84April 18, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 18, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

85April 19, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 19, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

86April 20, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 20, 1996
Principal Skinner spends Spring Break in Hong Kong.

87May 12, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

May 12, 1996
Homer Simpson's driver's license that a judge voids for driving home drunk from the Duff Brewery Tour expires on May 12, 1996.

88June 24, 1996 20th Century: 90sExpiration Dates

June 24, 1996
Expiration Date on Homer's mother's counterfeit Tennessee License, under the name Muddy Mae Suggins.

89July 4, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

July 4, 1996
The Simpson family celebrates the 4th of July holiday in Little Pwagmattasquarmsettport.

90July 5, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

July 5, 1996
The Simpson family attend a carnival in Little Pwagmattasquarmsettport.

91July 6, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

July 6, 1996
The Simpson family leaves Little Pwagmattasquarmsettport and heads home to Springfield, their car still decorated with seashells by Lisa's new friends.

92July 18, 1996 20th Century: 90sExpiration Dates

July 18, 1996
Expiration Date on Homer's mother's counterfeit Ohio Driver's License, under the name Penelope Olsen.

93November 3, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

November 3, 1996
Homer Simpson fights Boxcar Fred in Springfield.

94December 1, 1996 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 1, 1996
Date of the buy-out check to Marge from The Investorettes for $500.

95January 9, 1997 20th Century: 90sExpiration Dates

January 9, 1997
Expiration Date on Homer's mother Mona Simpson's Wisconsin Class D Operator's License.

96March 14, 1997 20th Century: 90sEvents

March 14, 1997
The Mountain Music Festival takes place March 14-18 on Mt. Useful in Springfield, a strategic granite reserve.

97March 18, 1997 20th Century: 90sEvents

March 18, 1997
The Mountain Music Festival takes place March 14-18 on Mt. Useful in Springfield, a strategic granite reserve.

98December 24, 1997 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 24, 1997
Homer and Marge visit Try-N-Save to buy Christmas gift for the kids.

99December 25, 1997 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 25, 1997
When Bart accidentally causes a fire that engulfs and melts the family's plastic Christmas tree and presents, he hides the evidence in the snow. When the family comes downstairs to find the tree and presents gone, Bart makes up a story about how he caught a burglar taking off with their tree and presents.

100December 31, 1997 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 31, 1997
Springfield celebrates New Year's Eve with a faulty ball drop in the town store.

101January 1, 1998 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 1, 1998
Ned Flanders pays his taxes, while the rest of the town waits until the last possible minute, all showing up at the Springfield Post Office at 10pm on Tax Day, April 15.

102April 15, 1998 20th Century: 90sEvents

April 15, 1998
While Ned Flanders paid his taxes on the first day of the new year, the rest of the town waits until the last possible minute, all showing up at the Springfield Post Office at 10pm on Tax Day.

103January 31, 1999 20th Century: 90sEvents

January 31, 1999
Homer and a new friend, Wally Kogen, take several Springfield citizens to Super Bowl XXXIII in Miami. However, they are locked in a detention cell after their tickets are discovered to be counterfeit.

104December 3, 1999 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 3, 1999
Date on Bart's MoneyBank credit card in the name Santos L. Halper, inspired by his dog Santa's Little Helper.

105December 24, 1999 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 24, 1999
Homer, Bart and Lisa steal all the Funzo toys from their neighbors, take them to the Springfield Tire Fire and burn them.

106December 31, 1999 20th Century: 90sEvents

December 31, 1999
Dick Clark hosts Springfield Rockin' Eve in Springfield, featuring Whitesnake, Poison, or Ratt.

107February 17, 2000 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 17, 2000
The staff of PBS try to kill Homer. However, Reverend Lovejoy stows him away on a plane to the South Pacific to become a missionary.

108April 30, 2000 21st Century: 00sEvents

April 30, 2000
When Lisa Simpson and her Mensa friends, also known as The Council of Alphas, run the town of Springfield after Mayor Quimby abdicates his position, Principal Skinner's Transportation Project not only gets the town's trains running on time, he gets them running on metric time. Apparently another project of theirs changes how they are calculating time, because he mentions the impossible date of April 47th. Principal Skinner: "Remember this moment, people... 80 past 2:00 on April 47th. It's the dawn of an enlightened Springfield."

109May 12, 2000 21st Century: 00sExpiration Dates

May 12, 2000
Expiration Date on dead truck driver and champion steak eater Red Barclay's Operator's License.

110November 10, 2000 21st Century: 00sEvents

November 10, 2000
Carl uses the word for November 10 from his Word-a-day calendar at lunch in the power plant cafeteria: I concur. The word on the calendar is conquer.

111February 18, 2001 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 18, 2001
Krusty airs his final show. Meanwhile, Sideshow Bob hypnotizes Bart in order to kill Krusty.

112March 21, 2001 21st Century: 00sHeadlines

March 21, 2001
Date of Springfield Shopper newspaper headline "FIRST DAY OF SPRING Ants, Picnickers reach last-minute accord"

113May 23, 2001 21st Century: 00sEvents

May 23, 2001
When the Simpsons family photos are destroyed in their fireproof safe, they recreate their series finale party for Star Trek: Voyager.

114December 24, 2001 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 24, 2001
Lisa tells her family that she will be celebrating Christmas with them and continue paying lip service to Christianity while practicing Buddhism for the rest of her life.

115March 15, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

March 15, 2003
Bart works on his history report on World War I.

116March 31, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

March 31, 2003
Due date for Bart's history report on World War I.

117September 13, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

September 13, 2003
Krusty Burger's Ribwich Tour visits San Antonio.

118September 20, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

September 20, 2003
Krusty Burger's Ribwich Tour visits San Antonio.

119October 28, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

October 28, 2003
Krusty Burger's Ribwich Tour visits Boston.

120October 30, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

October 30, 2003
Krusty Burger's Ribwich Tour visits Springfield.

121November 5, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

November 5, 2003
Lisa competes in the Spellympics in Calgary, and the day before Krusty Burger's Ribwich Tour visits San Francisco.

122November 6, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

November 6, 2003
Lisa loses the Spellympics in Calgary when she spells intransigence with an 'A' instead of an 'E'. Also the day that Krusty Burger's Ribwich Tour is supposed to visit San Francisco - but Krusty shows up to announce that the Ribwich is no more, as the animal they made it from is now extinct. Not a cow or pig. Think smaller, and more legs.

123December 17, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 17, 2003
Date of Romeo and Juiet movie ticket on Moe's wall.

124December 24, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 24, 2003
Homer steals all the presents in town.

125December 25, 2003 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 25, 2003
The When confronted by angry residents in the town square, Homer gives back all the presents he stole the night before. Moe falls from the top of a building during his annual suicide threat.

126December 25, 2004 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 25, 2004
The patriotic Americans of the U.S. Senate declare today, December 25 "We Hate Springfield Day".

127January 20, 2005 21st Century: 00sEvents

January 20, 2005
Bart goes to a Murder 4 Life rap concert in Springfield. He fakes being kidnapped as an alibi so Homer and Marge will not know he went.

128May 11, 2005 21st Century: 00sEvents

May 11, 2005
After researching the Rapture, Homer calculates that Judgment Day is one week away, on May 18.

129May 18, 2005 21st Century: 00sEvents

May 18, 2005
Homer Simpson: The book of Revelations has 404 verses... add the number of people at the last supper... minus the number of Filipinos in the Bible... and you get 3:15 pm, May 18th. That's when the Rapture will begin.

130May 19, 2005 21st Century: 00sEvents

May 19, 2005
After Homer's original date for the Rapture comes and goes, Homer recalculates, determining that the new date for the Rapture is May 19th.

131December 24, 2005 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 24, 2005
Christmas Eve. The Simpsons go to church, but Reverend Lovejoy doesn't show up for service due to a model train wreck in his house, so Homer tells Christmas stories. "Christmas Service - Jesus: 2005 years young"

132December 24, 2005 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 24, 2005
The Simpsons bring Gil home with them on Christmas Eve from Constington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

133December 25, 2005 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 25, 2005
The Simpsons wake up Christmas morning to find Gil asleep on the couch and his stuff all over the place.

134January 1, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

January 1, 2006
Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa. Gil spends New Year's Day on the couch watching the Rose Parade, featuring a marching band from Altoona, Pennsylvania, playing "Rachel's Theme" from Batman Begins.

135January 16, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

January 16, 2006
MLK Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa. Homer and Marge argue over letting him stay or kicking him out.

136January 29, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

January 29, 2006
School Science Fair at Springfield Elementary, as marked on Lisa's calendar.

137February 2, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 2, 2006
Groundhog Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

138February 12, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 12, 2006
When Mrs. Krabappel hits on Willy when he's G.K. Willington, he tells her, "I'd be happy to dine with you on the 12th." In his datebook, he writes "Boink slut"

139February 14, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 14, 2006
Valentine's Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa. Marge rents that negligee that Homer likes, but their alone time is interrupted by Gil, eating the heart-shaped box of chocolates that Homer bought for Marge.

140February 15, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 15, 2006
Susan B. Anthony Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

141February 17, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 17, 2006
World Human Spirit Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

142March 4, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

March 4, 2006
Old Inauguration Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

143March 17, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

March 17, 2006
St. Patrick's Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa. Gil invites friends over to celebrate.

144April 28, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

April 28, 2006
Arbor Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

145May 8, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

May 8, 2006
V.E. Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

146May 9, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

May 9, 2006
James L. Brooks' birthday. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

147May 24, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

May 24, 2006
Ned's cat's birthday, which Marge remembers, because she shares a birthday with Patti LaBelle.

148July 3, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 3, 2006
Air Conditioning Appreciation Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

149July 24, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 24, 2006
Cousins Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

150July 27, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 27, 2006
Jerry Van Dyke's birthday. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

151September 8, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

September 8, 2006
International Literacy Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

152September 24, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

September 24, 2006
National Good Neighbor Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

153October 9, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

October 9, 2006
Columbus Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

154October 13, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

October 13, 2006
World Egg Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

155October 21, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

October 21, 2006
Reptile Awareness Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

156November 13, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

November 13, 2006
Gingerbread House Day. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa.

157November 23, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

November 23, 2006
Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa. Gil ruins Thanksgiving by using Marge's leg razor to peel his carrots. Marge is still mad about it the next day while she does yardwork and talks to Ned over the fence.

158November 24, 2006 21st Century: 00sEvents

November 24, 2006
The Day after Thanksgiving. Gil is still living with the Simpsons after they brought him home with them on Christmas Eve from Costington's, where he was working as a department store Santa. Marge is still angry with Gil for ruining Thanksgiving by using her leg razor to peel his carrots. When she goes to tell him off, she finds that he's finally gone, having taken off to Scottsdale for a job with Jackpot Realty.

159March 17, 2007 21st Century: 00sEvents

March 17, 2007
Marge races through a St. Patrick's Day parade to beat Bart and Lisa home from school.

160July 3, 2007 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 3, 2007
Chief Wiggum cancels Santa's Little Helper's class at the Springfield Animal Police Academy. Chief Wiggum: "For the next two weeks, I'm gonna be your worst enemy, except this Thursday is the Fourth of July, so we'll take Friday off as well. Well, I guess Wednesday everybody's going to be thinking about the long weekend,, what the hell? Why don't we just take the whole week off?"

161July 4, 2007 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 4, 2007
Chief Wiggum cancels Santa's Little Helper's class at the Springfield Animal Police Academy. Chief Wiggum: "For the next two weeks, I'm gonna be your worst enemy, except this Thursday is the Fourth of July, so we'll take Friday off as well. Well, I guess Wednesday everybody's going to be thinking about the long weekend,, what the hell? Why don't we just take the whole week off?"

162July 5, 2007 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 5, 2007
Chief Wiggum cancels Santa's Little Helper's class at the Springfield Animal Police Academy. Chief Wiggum: "For the next two weeks, I'm gonna be your worst enemy, except this Thursday is the Fourth of July, so we'll take Friday off as well. Well, I guess Wednesday everybody's going to be thinking about the long weekend,, what the hell? Why don't we just take the whole week off?"

163July 27, 2007 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 27, 2007
Date from the end credits: Executive Producer Al "July 27th, 2007" Jean.

164October 31, 2007 21st Century: 00sEvents

October 31, 2007
Bart and Lisa and their friends terrorize the town with their Halloween tricks.

165February 14, 2008 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 14, 2008
Homer takes Marge to the carnival for her Valentine's Day surprise and they get stuck in the Tunnel of Love telling love stories.

166February 18, 2008 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 18, 2008
The Annual President's Day Marriage-a-thon at the Springfield Wedding Chapel.

167March 17, 2008 21st Century: 00sEvents

March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day. Springfield attempts to have an alcohol free St. Patrick's Day, which ends in a riot.

168July 4, 2008 21st Century: 00sEvents

July 4, 2008
The Simpsons spend the 4th of July weekend holiday at Kozy Kabins.

169November 4, 2008 21st Century: 00sEvents

November 4, 2008
Election Day. Homer votes for Barack Obama and the voting machine changes his vote to John McCain, and then kills him.

170December 25, 2008 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 25, 2008
Christmas Day. The Simpsons open their gifts. Bart gives Lisa a Malibu Stacy convertible transforming robot called a Pos-i-bot.

171December 26, 2008 21st Century: 00sEvents

December 26, 2008
The Simpsons visit Springfield Mall, where Lisa discovers a new Mapple Store, the Simpsons version of Apple. "Dec. 26 Christmas-is-Over Sale! Please report all Santas to Security".

172February 24, 2009 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 24, 2009
Homer hosts his apparently annual Mardi Gras party in his backyard.

173February 25, 2009 21st Century: 00sEvents

February 25, 2009
Ned Flanders counts down to the arrival of Ash Wednesday during Homer's apparently annual Mardi Gras party in his backyard: "It's Ash Wednesday everybody! Set down your gins and confess your sins!"

174March 23, 2009 21st Century: 00sEvents

March 23, 2009
Date of the Prying-Eye Surveillance DVD - footage from the tiny nanny camera that Marge attached to Maggie when she started acting different after being bullied by the kids on the playground next to Moe's.

175June 16, 2009 21st Century: 00sEvents

June 16, 2009
While the Simpsons are in Ireland, so that Abe can have one last drink at Tom O'Flanagan's Pub, they witness a Bloomsday celebration - a commemoration and celebration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce.

176September 8, 2009 21st Century: 00sEvents

September 8, 2009
The first day of school in Springfield. Homer and Marge: "Happy new year - of school!" Homer Simpson: "You're the government's problem now!"

177August 1, 2010 21st Century: 10sEvents

August 1, 2010
Lisa scheduled to marry Hugh Parkfield at Sunday 1pm.

178December 23, 2013 21st Century: 10sEvents

December 23, 2013
Comic Book Guy celebrates Seinfeld's Festivus holiday!

179January 12, 2014 21st Century: 10sEvents

January 12, 2014
Comic Book Guy marries Kumiko.

180January 1, 2054 21st Century: 30s and upEvents

January 1, 2054
Date Homer writes on the half a million dollar check to the Grateful Gelding Stables for a pony for Lisa.

181March 20 No YearIssued Dates

March 20
Issued Date on the Homer Sanchez' Mexico ID that Homer's boss at Sprawl Mart uses to threaten to send him back to Mexico.

182April 20 No YearEvents

April 20
Homer mentions that Barney's birthday is April 20th, same as Hitler.

183May 20 No YearEvents

May 20
Date of the Boys vs. Girls Home Ec bake-off finale, posted on bulletin board at Shelbyville High School, from flashback sequence.

184July 4 No YearEvents

July 4
When Krusty looks through the Simpson family photo albums, there's a photo marked "4th of July", with Homer drinking a can of Duff beer while lighting a firecracker for a baby Bart, still in diapers.

185July 15 No YearBirth Dates

July 15
Date of birth Bart writes on the MoneyBank charge card application.

186July 15 No YearEvents

July 15
According to Homer, it's Barney's birthday, same day as Lassie's.

187September 15 No YearEvents

September 15
Mr. Burns' birthday.

188October 1 No YearEvents

October 1
Marge's birthday - when she finally gets online, she finds out she shares a birthday with Randy Quaid.

189October 31 No YearEvents

October 31
Springwart's School of Magicry hosts a magic fair called Spellzapoppin' Magic Recital on Halloween Night.

190December 24 No YearEvents

December 24
Christmas hobgoblins attack the North Pole in movie The Christmas that Almost Wasn't But Then Was.

191December 25 No YearEvents

December 25
Christmas hobgoblins attack the North Pole in movie The Christmas that Almost Wasn't But Then Was.

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