Total Records: 1 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: BBB / Category: FOOD STORES / Subcategory: GROCERY STORES
Record Name
1Food Circus MAMA'S FAMILY 1983 TV SeriesFood StoresGrocery Stores

Food Circus
While shopping for the family at Food Circus, Thelma gets into a "tiff" with cashier Naomi. Mama feels she knows more about the store since she's been shopping there for nearly 40 years, even so far as to give other customers advice and basically making Naomi look foolish. The manager of the store hires Mama and places her in a booth where people can "Ask Thelma" for shopping advice. Right next to Naomi's express register! She does so well, the manager then goes too far and gives Naomi's spot to Thelma. Mama's got a surprise in store for her for thinking she knows it all though.

  • [Episode Supermarket]

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