Total Records: 1 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: BBB / Category: CINEMA / Subcategory: MOVIES
Record Name
1Beauty and the Beast: Hawaiian Adventure SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesCinemaMovies

Beauty and the Beast: Hawaiian Adventure
Journey to the Disney Vault is an animated Disney feature about a young brother and sister that are taken to the Disney vault to watch their favorite movies, where they find Beauty and the Beast: Hawaiian Adventure, a ten year supply of Mickey-ear shaped snacks of chicken, meat and fish, Walt Disney's frozen head, Vivian Leigh's frozen head, a HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee report revealing that Disney ratted out animators for being communists, the very original version of Song of the South, even more racist version that Walt Disney only played at parties, and a map to Walt's unrealized Civil War theme park Disney's America, a tied-up Jim Henson, and Scar the Disney lawyer with a copy of The Lion King 5 2/3: Simba sits in for Meredith on The View.

  • Sketch TV Funhouse: Disney Vault. [Episode 2006 Lindsay Lohan]

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