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1Frankie COMMUNITY 2009 TV SeriesQuotesQuotes

Frankie: Okay, so, I took an informal survey to get a sense of how Greendale is perceived. And three themes emerged: weird, passionate and gross. Now, you want to hang on to that grouping. In marketing, it's what we call the Good Belushi. If I had a magic wand, I would use it to make sure Greendale never had to grow up. I would also probably use it to cut the Magic Wand class that I noticed is actually offered here, as well as VCR Repair, a class called Ladders, and When is it Okay to Shake a Baby? In terms of hierarchy, I'm a big believer in it. Someone needs to say, I'm in charge, and that person is me. That's my decision. That doesn't mean that we don't work together, but all communication and decisions will go through me. I'll send out an email later to set up our next meeting.

  • [Season 6 Episode Ladders]

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