Total Records: 1 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER / Category: QUOTES / Subcategory: QUOTES
Record Name
1JigsawSAW IV 2007 FilmQuotesQuotes

Jigsaw: Hello Officer Rigg, What have you learned thus far? Experience is a harsh teacher. First comes the test, second comes the lesson. If you want to SAVE AS I SAVE then you will see that the person before you is but a student... so I ask you officer Rigg. Has the pupil learned her lesson? Has she been told the error of her ways? Does she now view the world differently? Officer Rigg, the key to this persons freedom lies in the palm of your hand... but only if she has done her own part. Can you play your role in her salvation? Once judgement has been made though, the key to finding your next destination is just off the map.

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