Total Records: 1 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER / Category: QUOTES / Subcategory: QUOTES
Record Name
1Jeffrey GoinesTWELVE MONKEYS 1995 FilmQuotesQuotes

Jeffrey Goines
Jeffrey Goines: Here's my theory on that. While I was institutionalized, my brain was studied exhaustively in the guise of mental health. I was interrogated, x-rayed, studied thoroughly. Then, everything about me was entered into a computer where they created a model of my mind. Then, using the computer model, they generated every thought I could possibly have in the next, say ten years, which they then filtered through a probability matrix to determine everything I was going to do in that period. So you see, she knew I was going to lead the Army of the Twelve Monkeys into the pages of history before it ever even occurred to me. She knows everything I'm ever going to do before I know it myself. How about that?

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