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1Trish & Lila YaleJESSICA JONES 2015 TV SeriesQuotesQuotes

Trish & Lila Yale
Trish: We're back with Lila Yale, author and nutritionist of Gluten Freedom: Going Against The Grain. We were discussing the dangers of gluten, and I'm wondering if you can tell me how many people die each year from celiac disease?
Lila: It's not a direct cause of death.
Trish: Your book says gluten can mean life or death.
Lila: I didn't mean that literally. But gluten causes inflammation in the intestines. Not to mention autoimmune reactions even in people who don't have celiac disease. Gluten is the silent irritant. Doesn't get worse than that.
Trish: So would you say it's worse than, uh, gun violence? Or what's happening in Syria? Those are certainly issues, but three million Americans are afflicted with gluten Or sexual assault? Or cancer?
Gluten sensitives suffer in other ways.
Lila: Scientists have linked a gut microbe to anxiety in the brain.

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