Total Records: 1 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER / Category: QUOTES / Subcategory: QUOTES
Record Name
1Virgil TRUE ROMANCE 1993 FilmQuotesQuotes

Virgil: Now the first time you kill somebody, that's the hardest. I don't give a shit if you're fuckin' Wyatt Earp or Jack the Ripper. Remember that guy in Texas? The guy up in that fuckin' tower that killed all them people? I'll bet you green money that first little black dot he took a bead on, that was the bitch of the bunch. First one is tough, no fuckin' foolin'. The second one. the second one ain't no fuckin' Mardis Gras either, but it's better than the first one 'cause you still feel the same thing, y'know. except it's more diluted, y'know it's. it's better. I threw up on the first one, you believe that? Then the third one. the third one is easy, you level right off. It's no problem. Now. shit. now I do it just to watch their fuckin' expression change.

List Associations: COLD SHIT

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