Total Records: 1 - Medium: FILM / Group: BBB / Category: TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS / Subcategory: ELECTRONICS
Record Name
1Bio-Replicator PodPROMETHEUS 2012 FilmTechnology ProductsElectronics

Bio-Replicator Pod
This remarkable device was introduced in 2058 for use by Weyland planetary engineers. However, recent advancements have made bio-replicator pods available to off-world civilians for home use. Each pod has a database of over 40 million seed varieties and plant DNAs. With the push of a button, it can replicate the requested sample. Growth rates are currently at about 55%, not factoring unsuitable planetary conditions for a given species. At 1 cubic foot in size, an array of thousands of bio-replicator pods can be outfitted to any seeder for industrial use. For household use, it is recommended to store bio-replicator pods outside the home.

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