Total Records: 1 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: BBB / Category: COMPUTERS / Subcategory: SOFTWARE
Record Name
1The Accountability Booster THE OFFICE 2005 TV SeriesComputersSoftware

The Accountability Booster
Andy: "And I'd like to add that your work has been a little sloppy. So Dwight and I have implemented a new program that we like to call The Accountability Booster. It registers every time a mistake has been made in the office, from a late delivery to an accounting error. Five strikes in a day equals a home run. One home run and you're out. If we as a group make five mistakes in a day, something bad happens, like we block Mindsweeper. Or in this case, an email gets sent to Robert California containing the consultant's report from last year."

  • [Season 8 Episode Doomsday]

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