Total Records: 1 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: BBB / Category: MUSIC / Subcategory: SONGS
Record Name
1Miss Chairmodel Lady THE OFFICE 2005 TV SeriesMusicSongs

Miss Chairmodel Lady
Song Michael and Dwight sing at the grave of the chair model that Michael falls in love with, sung to the tune of Don McClean's American Pie. "Bye, bye, Miss Chair model Lady, I dreamt that we were married and you treated me nice. We had lots of kids drinking whiskey and rye. Why'd 'you have to go off and die? Why'd you have to go off and die? You believe in rock and roll? Can music save your mortal soul? And then, can you have to dance real slow? Well, I know that you're in love with him 'cause I saw you dancin' in the gym, kicked off both her shoes, turned off her shoes, no more rhythm and blues! No verdict was returned! Rhythm and blues! This will be the day that I die.

  • [Season 4 Episode The Chair Model]

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