Total Records: 1 - Medium: TV SERIES / Group: BBB / Category: GOODS / Subcategory: BABY PRODUCTS
Record Name
1Nelson's Baby Toupees SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1975 TV SeriesGoodsBaby Products

Nelson's Baby Toupees
The first months of a child's life are a special time. As your baby acquires the skills of social interaction, impressions are made that will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, this baby, and millions of other male babies just like him - spend months suffering through the shame and disgrace associated with male infantile baldness. It's a scientific fact that males lag developmentally behind females. Add Male Infantile Baldness, and that means low self-esteem, decreased confidence, and even lowered social status. Is that what you want for your child? That's why our scientists at Nelson Pediatrics developed these - baby toupees. Thanks to our patented technology, and the cooperation of the Chinese government, we can now take an adult-sized toupee and adapt it to fit your baby's head. It's fake hair with real results.

  • [Episode 2006 Peter Sarsgaard]

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