Total Records: 1 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: OTHER / Category: ARTIFACTS / Subcategory: ARCHAEOLOGICAL ARTIFACTS
Record Name
1EmptiesROADSIDE PICNIC 1971 LiteratureArtifactsArchaeological Artifacts

Two copper discs the size of Frisbees, about a quarter inch thick, which permanently maintain an empty space of a foot and a half between each other. It is unknown how the two discs are attracted to each other or what holds them in place. No force seems to be able to push them closer together or pull them apart. It is possible to pass any object through the empty space between the two discs. The device seems to possess no other unusual properties and has the mass of two copper discs of the appropriate size. Possibly a type of a container. One unique specimen, the "full empty," has been found, "filled" with blue liquid. The blue substance sifted cloudily in slow streams between the discs, like a glass jar with blue syrup inside. The "full" specimen was too heavy for one strong man to move, and almost too heavy for two men to move. The novel states that a Stalker can get 400 for an empty w.

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