Total Records: 1 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: MAP / Category: WATER / Subcategory: RIVERS
Record Name
1Naguamsett RiverA SEPARATE PEACE 1959 LiteratureWaterRivers

Naguamsett River
We had never used this lower river, the Naguamsett, during the summer. It was ugly, saline, fringed with marsh, mud and seaweed. A few miles away it was joined to the ocean, so that its movements were governed by unimaginable factors like the Gulf Stream the Polar Ice Cap, and the moon. It was nothing like the fresh-water Devon above the dam where we'd had so much fun, all the summer. The Devon's course was determined by some familiar hills a little inland, it rose among highland farms and forests which we knew, passed at the end of its course through the school grounds, and then threw itself with little spectacle over a small waterfall beside the diving dam, and into the turbid Naguamsett.

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