Total Records: 1 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: BBB / Category: TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS / Subcategory: ELECTRONICS
Record Name
1Voigt-Kampff Empathy TestDO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? 1982 LiteratureTechnology ProductsElectronics

Voigt-Kampff Empathy Test
The Nexus-6 android types, Rick reflected, surpassed several classes of human specials in terms of intelligence. In other words, androids equipped with the new Nexus-6 brain unit had from a sort of rough, pragmatic, no-nonsense standpoint evolved beyond a major - but inferior - segment of mankind. For better or worse. The servant had in some cases become more adroit than its master. But new scales of achievement, for example the Voigt-Kampff Empathy Test, had emerged as criteria by which to judge. An android, no matter how gifted as to pure intellectual capacity, could make no sense out of the fusion which took place routinely among the followers of Mercerism - an experience which he, and virtually everyone else, including subnormal chickenheads, managed with no difficulty.

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