Total Records: 1 - Medium: FILM / Group: OTHER / Category: QUOTES / Subcategory: QUOTES
Record Name
1Detective JOHN DIES AT THE END 2012 FilmQuotesQuotes

Detective: Now what I think, is that stuff is both real and not real at the same time. I ain't no Star Trek fan and I don't know about other dimensions and all that. But I am an old school Catholic and I do believe in Hell. I believe it ain't just rapists and murderers down there. Ibelieve its demons and worms and vile things, the grease trap of the universe. And the more I think of it, the more I think it's not some place 'down there' at all, that it's here, all around us. We just don't perceive it. Just like how the country music radio station is out there, in the air, even if you ain't tuned to it. But I think somehow, through some chemistry or magic or some voodoo, that Jamaican S.O.B. tuned into it, into Hell itself. With that, he opened the door. He became the door. And me, I intend to close it.


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