Total Records: 1 - Medium: LITERATURE / Group: BBB / Category: TRAVEL / Subcategory: HOTELS
Record Name
1Grand Hotel OloffsonDEADEYE DICK 1982 LiteratureTravelHotels

Grand Hotel Oloffson
Haitian fresh fish in coconut cream: Put two cups of grated coconut in cheesecloth over a bowl. Pour a cup of hot milk over it, and squeeze it dry. Repeat this with two more cups of hot milk. The stuff in the bowl is the sauce. Mix a pound of sliced onions, a teaspoon of salt, a half teaspoon of black pepper, and a teaspoon of crushed pepper. Saute the mixture in butter until soft but not brown. Add four pounds of fresh fish chunks, and cook them for about a minute on each side. Pour the sauce over the fish, cover the pan, and simmer for ten minutes. Uncover the pan and baste the fish until it is done - and the sauce has become creamy. Serves eight vaguely disgruntled guests at the Grand Hotel Oloffson.

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