Total Records: 1 - Medium: ANIMATED SERIES / Group: OTHER / Category: LIVING THINGS / Subcategory: ANIMALS
Record Name
1The Bleaken BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsAnimals

The Bleaken
Creature that Teddy tells the Belcher kids about: You kids don't know about the Bleaken? He's got, like, different names in different cultures, but he's basically the anti-Santa... The Bleaken is a horned creature with lizard skin and black feathers who comes every once in a while... My Nana used to say he feeds off sadness and anger. She said when me and my sister would fight, it meant the Bleaken would come... The Bleaken steals your presents... Then he takes them back to his lair and you never see them again. And one time, I thought, I thought I saw him... I don't know. I was little. Nana used to give us wine... Yeah, the Bleaken's probably just an old story.

  • [Season 8 Episode 6 The Bleakening Part 1]

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