Total Records: 1 - Medium: ANIMATED SERIES / Group: MAP / Category: STRUCTURES / Subcategory: HALLS
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1Morris Hall BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesStructuresHalls

Morris Hall
Hall that Admiral Peter Wilcox mentions in his letter to Elegant Doily Retirement Home resident Meryl: Dear Meryl, I know this might come as something of a surprise and you may not remember me, but I remember you. I saw you at the USO dance at Morris Hall almost 60 years ago. You were wearing a blue dress and pearls and you looked like an angel. I wanted to ask you to dance, but I was too shy. And then the dance ended and I never saw you again. Now, I'm a retired navy admiral and I have lived a full life. But I have one regret. I regret that I didn't ask you to dance that night. I find myself thinking about the old days and what could have been, so I decided to look you up and reach out. I pray this letter finds you well. Take care, Admiral Peter Wilcox.

  • [Season 6 Episode 18 Secret Admiral-irer]

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